The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection, renewal, and hope. It is a time to leave
behind the challenges of the past year and set intentions for the months ahead. While many focus on physical health, career, goals, or financial aspirations, prioritizing your mental health is equal if not more important.
As 2025 is already underway, take some time to think about the highs and lows of the previous year. What brought you joy? What felt heavy? Instead of judging yourself for “failures”, approach your reflections with kindness. Remember, growth often comes from the most challenging times.
As you reflect, also think about what is ahead. I often encourage people to be mindful of living in the moment and not stress about the future. There is a balance between thinking about what is ahead, being in the moment, and reflecting on the past. Instead of making a long list of goals, focus on a few intentions that align with your values. For example, instead of saying, “I will begin working out 3 times a week”, say, “I will find ways to move my body in some way each day.’
In making your mental health a priority, think about how to change the direction of your thinking from, “I have to”, to “I get to”. This is a simple strategy but it can produce meaningful results.
Practice gratitude. Gratitude can have a powerful effect on mental health. Start jotting down two or three things you are thankful for each day. Speak gratitude toward those people who are important to you. That is, if you have a positive thought about an important person in your life, say it.
Finally, look for ways to take care of yourself and your personality. This involves knowing when you need to be able others when you need to be by yourself, and setting healthy boundaries.

Whether it is limiting your time on social media or declining commitments that feel
overwhelming, prioritize what supports your mental health.
As you make your way through 2025, remember that each day is a new start, and take it one day at a time. Be present wherever you are and celebrate the wins!