Connecting across the globe with an eleven-hour time difference between the two countries is easier than ever. I’m grateful for social media connectivity options.
Another stormy and rainy day as schools begin to break for the harvest holiday. The influx of holiday travelers is evident near the beach and tourist spots. Traffic is a bit more intense and takes a little longer. It’s no problem; we just flow with it.
Our GRACE staff enjoys a weekly lunch and Bible study with the pastor and pastor’s wife of Jomtien Baptist Church. I praise God for their obedience and willingness to be actively engaged in discipleship of believers. My eyes often filled with tears as my soul experienced the overflow of joy. Chan led us into worship. We shared prayer requests and cooperatively prayed. I prayerfully observed the team review past lessons and delve deep into their study on obedience. Hallelujah!
I met with new family members of GRACE. These moments are precious. Did I mention how great is the love I have for our team? Each one contributes with great passion and compassion.
No homework today; so, the children played and simply chilled out. Mai led the children through their weekly Bible lesson sharing about Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land. We enjoyed a nutritious dinner with the children sending all leftovers out with the families. Our team gathered for our daily recap meeting and prayer before dismissal.
We made a quick stop to the night market for a light dessert and fresh fruit shake on the way to my hotel room.
I ended the day videoconferencing with Jon before crashing into sleep. Ah, God’s blessings are abundant and so very good.
I love and appreciate you. Your ongoing encouragement and support are invaluable.